oh my goodnessss (:
im like WAYYYYYYYYYYYY happy!
thats always good, right?
well, if you didn't notice, i put a bunch of songs on here!
listen to themmmmm.
dude right now i wanna call kenzie but its too late for kenzies house phone and i dont know if kenzie'll even be awake. so imma just forget about it but ill talk to her tomorrow.
so... so far i have practiced the piano 10 days in a rowwww. 50 more days (:
in my personal progress:// if you dont know what that is its a book of stuff i gotta do for my church.// yeah well in there i only have five lil value experiences to do.. and im workin on all of 'em. (:
then i gotta load butt on four value projects:// they hafta be 10 hours long.
imma get done in time im hopin.
lately ive been into finding quotes that are in songs.. its pretty fun. ive found some good ones. ill give you some examplessss (:
•from the song vulnerable by secondhand serenade://
i can be anyone, anything, i promise i can be what you need.
•from the song your call by secondhand serenade://
i know everything you wanted isn't anything you have.
•from the song feels like tonight by chris daughtry://
i was waiting for the day you'd come around, i was chasing, but nothing was all i found.
•from the song diary of jane by breaking benjamin://
theres a fine line between love and hate and i dont mind. just let me say that i like that.
•from the song better than me by hinder://
i told myself i wont miss you, but i remember what it feels like beside you.
they're cute, huh?
well what else can i put in here.
ooh i have a great idea! imma get some stuff out of my baby book and put it in here. (:
did you know i was born with very very very dark brown hair? then by the time i was two and a half it was super long and blonde.. i wonder where it went.
ooh when i was a baby i got super sick too.. i had rsv.. its like ammonia or somethin. but like wayyyy worse. i had to sleep in a tent full of air to get enough of it.
the first thing my mom said when i was born was, "oh she is a girl."
haha she knew i was a girl but idk.. hehe
wow. i have a funny nickname when i was little.... pretty girl. (:
guess what my first words were? mama, daddy, tickle tickle tickle hehe. no wonder im so ticklish.
haha my favorite foods were pickles and pretzels. and i didn't like peanut butter back then either! ooh i liked cheese and cranberry sauce too. haha all of that is the same.
haha. ive been playing piano since june 2000.. 8 years..... wow.
i like music its like fun to sing along to. and its fun to bug your mom by playing the same song over and over and over and over and over and over again (:
haha funny huh mom?
oh and notice my wonderful blog post name----"red t-shirt"
hehe (:
hahah i just had a funny thought.
if you like procrastinate to tell someone something and then when you finally do tell them, they'd be like, "why didn't you just tell me?!?" then you should say, "this IS my way of telling you (:"
a day or so ago i wrote more to one of my stories.. it was the one where someone turned on her kitchen light and shes waitin for the ambulence and police to get to her house.
if you haven't read my storyy, you totally should.. i need your opinion to know if im a suckie writer or not (: http:jocelyns-storiesss.blogspot.com
ooh! i hope you noticed i changed my background and all the colors and the top pretty thing that says jocelyns blog♥
yeah that top thing, i made it myself (:
i just sneezed twice in a row.. i do that a lot.. always two times. wierd.

this is supposed to move.. like the picture with the dino and person is a moving picture but for some reason it didn't work on here.. oh wellllll
i made that a long time ago for a skin.. but it was too big to put onto bebo.. oh welllll.
i dont like junk mail. its all a bunch of junk. isn't that ironic? not really.. didn't think so.
well... imma be done with this "red t-shirt" post (:
hahahah you can always make me laugh.
heyy! ah sorry i'm not going private i realized i couldn't so sorry! D:
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