Saturday, May 31, 2008

number three•• <3

alrighty. ive been wanting to do this blog like all day but i haven't had the time until now.
so here we go (:
well.. its not going to be as interesting because i forgot what i even wanted to say ):
heck. im random ill think of something.
today i went to a wedding reception.
it was fabulous (: they served sparkling ciderrrrrrrr.
i was texting kenzie the whole time on not my phone.
that reminded me. 
my mom said that if i practiced the piano for 60 days and i finished my personal progress i could get a cell phone!! woohoo! im so ecstatic for that! then i can get one of those pretty phones (:
im sick of braces. my teeth are like almost totally straight though so its okayy (:
i miss eating the junk you can eat without braces. it all tastes good. yesterday i cheated though.. i had saltwater taffy. delicious.
lucy's puppies are like getting bigggg! they are a week and one day old (:
ooh a week ago i got a prom dresss!
its absolutely gorgeous. i didn't pick it out or anything.. dude if i did pick it out it'd be totally different. but its white and it has like silverish stuff on it.. idk how to explain it.. but its cute (:
im going to tell you that i dont like guacamole. its gross. but i do like strawberries and cucumbers and cantelope. 
did you know that tomatoes are a fruit? but your not supposed to put them in fruit salad. i hope you know that (;
this is going to be a shorter blog cause i have to go to bed soon (church.. tomorrow.. and i hafta get up at like 6:30..)
oh i want to put random stuff on here!
i have always wanted this dresss.
this picture is sweet. i wanna get one with kenzie. (:

i just think those pictures are fabulous. 
these are from tanners party on the last day. this was at like 8 or something.

heheh (:

kenzie!! dude. shes prolaly gunna get mad i put that mall picture thing on here.. oh well (:
hmm.. more random stuff..
like no one has seen this picture.. its a lil weird but hey, you getta see it (:
i didn't even have a broken foot in this picture.
oh so yeah.. i can totally walk again.. well not fast and i cant move my foot around that much. but hey, i can walk!
um.. yeah. imma go to bed. nighty night!
oh! did you know that the average human swallows 4 spiders in their sleep?
ya better keep your trap shut (:
well.. nighty night. dont let the spiders go down your throat, and dont let bed bugs bight. and those are real too.. it was on this thing.. so i just know. (:

Thursday, May 29, 2008

my second postttt (:

yeah.. so whats the point of having a blogg?
its like.. well.. its like a diary.. except everyone that wants to read it can just like make a couple of clicks.. type a few things.. and bang! there's the shabang.. ( haha jared... )
and wait a second.. aren't diarys supposed to be like private?
hmm... so erm.. yeah.. the point of blogs.. tell me when you know (;
yesterday i got a very very pretty swim suit from one of thee best places everrrr::
Victoria's Secret!
imma put a picture of it on here (:
heyyyyyyy! i kinda know what im doing on this thing. i mean yeah.
look what i just did! i just put that picture on here (:
haha. this is going to get interesting nowwww.. dun dun dunnnnnn. (;
well.. what are you supposed to put in a blog besides your swim suit? hehe.
um.. im going to say that mckenzie freaking larsen is my best friend (freaking isn't really her middle name, i promise. its really elise. cute huh!)
shes freaking gorgeous, beautiful, stunning, beep-beep (inside joke. i love those! especially when im IN them ☺), dude the list'll go on and on.. so ill just say etc. (: 
anyways.. she has a cool job.. it pays her mucho moola ($$)
she is a photography editor. she even does a good jobb (:
about a long time ago, me and herr got our own photoshoot togetherr (so freaking fun)
well guess what?he professional editor hasn't edited half of em.. dang fotbot (:
if they were done, i'd totally put like pictures up on this diary out loud..
then you'd all wish the beautiful kenzie was yours! but no! shes MINE! hehe
im in a good mood as it seems right now. (:
wanna know one of the many many many many many crazy things about our friendship? course you do! me and kenzie almost have like absolutely nothing in common. CRAZY! i knowwwwww.
but dude, when it comes down to just bein friends it doesn't matter, i mean "jesus said love everyone, treat them kindly too" right? DUH. (: i love kenzie♥ yeah so just yesterday me and her had something in common: both of our WAIT nevermind! ill save that for later (; if i dont forget... i know! ill write it down in my diary out loud!! (inside joke.. hehe these inside jokes are so funnnn)
alright. before i talk about what i wrote down in here and i said ill save that for later, imma say random stuff. ( its not that hard to say random stuff if you've noticed )
did you know that i get cold very very easily? yeah.. im cold right now.. its kinda weird how i get cold if most of the time im wearing more than one shirt (inside joke againnn)
dude, if my foot was like totally healed, i'd so not be bloggin right now-- i'd have a life (:
i want a cellular device from verizon. i picked it out when i saw the commecial for the phone but i dont remember what it was called but it was pretty (: too bad i dont want to look for it.. wait.. i changed my mind! then i can put another picture on here! cause i know how to do that (;
oooooh! i just opened my options to the phone i might get! i found a purple one! its tight.
so the one that i was talking about first is the Samsung Glyde. its like an iphone kinda but not as big and it has a keyboard. the other one is a Motorola MOTO W755 in purple. its super prettyyyy. (: then my third option is i think a MotoKRZR idk.. its red and shiney.. my brother trevor has itttt. dont forget i said its shiney (:
the first phone you see is the glyde one. then you know what one is the purple one.. and i dont know if i can find my brothers phone..
there all three.. (:
i feel smart ( not really )
hmm.. random stuff.. random stuff..
it'll come to me..
oh i like wafers.. today me and kaitlyn and rory and gabe at a lott of those. and i made ( more like mixed two different kinds of ) salsa. it was good.. it started to burn my tongue so i made rory get me some milk (: im so nice, well i dont know if nice is the word...
okay so..
on May 23, 2008
FRIDAY//  Last day of schoollllll (:
kenzie went with me.. great fun..
then we went to tanner's great funn of a party.
and half the time it was at my house (:
the people that were there:
jocelyn, kenzie, tanner sullivan, rory welker(brown), chase leany, mckade white, mike vance, bri roberts, aaron holden, kendall baker, ben alred, kyle cabell, um... if im forgetting someone i feel bad ): i just cant remember anyone else..
well.. when i got home.. lucy had two puppies!!
kenzie was with me the entire time (: she slept over on thursday and friday night..
okay so lucy had five puppies in all. four girls one boy.
their names are chloe, sammi, lil' bow wow (NOT little), minnie, and tootsie. (: i named themmm.
now imma put some pictures of them on here::

          chloe                                                              lil' bow wow            

          minnie                                        sammi

 aaww (:

well.. i think im like almost done with this very long second post::
i doubt anyone'll wanna sit and read what stuff that jocelyn has to say-- heck, im almost just bored typing this. (: well imma be done now.

oh my gosh! i just reminded myself from reading somethinggggg::
both me and kenzie's favorite puppy is sammi!!
theres one of the things we have in common. (: ( i cant believe i remembered )

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

my first posttt (:

this is weirdddd. i have like absolutely no idea what im doinnn. (:
kenzie wanted me to get a bloggg// so i did. what a good friend am i.
well, at the moment i am freaking obsessed with the song invisible by taylor swift.
its amazing.
imma put it on here when i learn how to do that (:
here are the lyrics (note to you: this has to do with nobodyy)
she cant see the way your eyes, will light up when you smile. 
she'll never notice how you stop and stare, when ever she walks by. 
and you cant see me wanting you the way you want her, 
but you are everything to me 

and I just wanna show you, 
she dont even know you. 
she's never gonna love you like I want to, 
and you just see right through me, 
but if you only knew me, 
we could be a beautiful, miracle, unbelievable, instead of just invisible. 

there's a fire inside of you, 
that cant help but shine through, 
shes never gonna see the light, 
no matter what you do. 
and all I think about is how to make you think of me, 
and everything that we could be. 

and I just wanna show you, 
she don't even know you, 
shes never gonna love you like i want to, 
and you just see right through me, 
but if you only knew me, 
we could be a beautiful, miracle, unbeleiveable, instead of just invisible. 

like shadows in the faded light, 
aohh we're invisible. 
i just wanna open your eyes, 
and make you realize. 

i just wanna show you, 
she don't even know you, 
baby let me love you let me want you.., 
you just see right through me, 
but if you only knew me, 
we could be a beautiful, miracle, unbelievable, instead of just invisible. 

she cant see the way your eyes, will light up when you smile...

its darlinggg ♥
well anyways..
iimma be random now.
today i went outside in my backyard at eleven and i didn't go inside till 12:30// im a lil burned (:
my hair is super soft today. i like it a lottt.. i did my bangs different than i usually would and yeah..
im chewing gum but it tastes gross so im going to spit it out. mission accomplished.
i am on msn right this very right now. and i am currently talking to my buddies kaitywaity and mattttt. (im texting kenzie on not my cell phone)
i want a cell phone. its cool to be able to carry it around and text kenzie. its so much better than msn.. i dont even have to say brb! :D
well.. this'll have to be it for my first postttt.
i love youuuuuu (whoever you are)