well i haven't blogged a lottt.
so this'll be fun (: not really.
well on monday i went to piano-- i did good cause ive been practicing everyday.....
i can almost go pro.. hahah not really.
then i think me and gabe and rory hung out for a while.. but then they had to go so i did something.. i dont remember. then they came back later and we played cards outside with my mom.
it was fun. (:
the card game we played has many many names...
i can only remember two at the moment. shat or a bad word... hello. how are you today?
thats the word.
but i guess we called it i win when we played.. cause when you win your supposed to say shat or hello.. but we said i win.. so we should call it i win.
on tuesday i went to the orthodontist-- mister my neighbor brother simister said i could get my braces off early (: woooo.
then after me and rory and gabe hung out like ALL DAY.. till like 11.
we did a lot. we played cards again and talked and played hide and seek kinda.. and then we went for a walk.. but i made them stop a lot cause i kept gettin tired (:
then today wednesday i went to the foot doctor-- brother/doctor/bishop/neighbor/mister burton. he said my foot was doing good and i need to wiggle my toes more. so ive kinda been workin on it.
then after that, me and mom went and got smoothies!!! i got one called love potion. it tastes fabulous but that was a mistake. they shouldve named it something different-- mom teased me like for everrr about it.. and shes like i dont think it worked.. well it is only a smoothie (:
haha im INTAJUICE smoothies. (: get it?
then we picked up ali and we came home.. and i was home for idk.. some while and then tanner and cabel and rory and sam and gabe came over and we all just hung out for a while.. it was a lil boring. oh well.
i like having dreams, its like your watchin movies while you sleep.
kenzie is gunna sleep over tomorrow (: yayyyyy. ive missed her crazily.
hm... what else to write...
my mom made my absolute favoritest desert ever! its strawberry desert.. yummmmmm
well its not yum if you dont like strawberries but its yummm to me (:
those are my favorite flowers. (:
well imma be done writin now.
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