well i haven't left a post in a freaking long time, but thats okay, right?i mean since this is pretty much just like a diary out loud, i wrote my personal crap in the personal diary. makes sense though, i mean you dont need to know every little thing and detail about my life. heck sometimes i dont even know it all. (:
i really really like eating english muffins, they are good. especially the wonderbread kind.
thats like all i've eaten today.. and well.. candy but yeah.
peanutbutter m&m's are pretty good.. and the bag still isn't gone.. so ya know.. i'll be eating em till they're gone.
and swedish fish, ya gotta love those things.
kenzie came home, she came with me to get my cell phone (: its an lg venus in pink (: so i did get a phone that i wanted. heres me with my phone (: (:
it is a very pretty phone.
it has a touch screen and i have thee dumbest ringtones ever (: but they're funny (:
i did get my phone a day late because the day i was supposed to get it i was helping kenzie pack up her room..
kenzie and i hung out a lot.. some of the time we had guys come over.. other times we just chilled together..
on august third, i got my young women recognition award and i got a pretty silver necklace.
and then after church i went and got my patriarchal blessing. and that was one of thee amazingest experiences of my life.
completely awesome. i just loved every minute of it.
kenzie slept over at my house most of the time that she was here.. there were like three or four nights that she didn't but most of the time, she was here (: with me (:
we called our sleep overs cuddle overs because we cuddle a lot (: we aren't lesbian or anything, we just cuddle and stuff.
on tuesday the fifth i got two cavaties fixed.. and me and kenzie went shopping! it was DANG fun. (: i love shopping with her.. she picked out some cute stuff for me. then we got jewelry and we were gunna get perfume but we ended up not.. and then later in the week we both got seven new kinds each so that was sweet. and for free too. (:
on wednesday i went and got my schedule.
which is:
A Day:
1 Intermediate Algebra// Hospodarsky
2 Earth Systems // Bundy
3 Spanish One // Sweeten
4 Physical Skills // Weir(d)
B Day:
5 Language Arts 9 Honors // Reeves
6 Percussion // Schmidt ( the high school teacher is Winslow!!)
7 Body Toning // Roberts
8 Seminary // Jones
Home Room // Reeves
im glad im a year ahead in math, everyone says hospodarsky is a sucky teacher and no one likes her.. but we'll see, wont we? and im glad i have bundy. i'll get to bug him and stuff. muwahaha. he'll just love having me.
spanish im not to excited for.. i only know not a lot. hola. como estas. muy bien. uno. dos. tres. quatro. sinco. i dont know how to spell the next one. or the next. espanol.
that is pretty much all i know. but it will help my future out.
p.e. i loved bugging mister weird. i loved having it so that will be fun cause i still got mandi in it with me.. plus kaitlyn (: so we will just bug him a lot. but we will try to be more into it.. and yeah. im going to try to get strong and do good on the mile cause i gotta be a fast runner for tennis and i haven't ran in a long time thanks to my foot. i didn't know i was going to be in honors language arts, so i was like wow. and im sad i dont have mister borup, so i will maybe just bug him in the mornings or something (: haha sucker mister borup.
percussion. i wasn't to excited about that either but its good cause yeah, i got friends in there and its fun crap that we do. i just need to get my percussion kit fixed cause its busted at the moment.
body toning. yesss. im going to tone up my body, get some muscles, lose some flab. sweet.
seminary will be freaking sweet. im so excited for that.
okay.. so then on thursday uuum.. we hung out with the guys. it was fun. i dont remember what we did but it was fun.
friday. we hung out with cabell and drake.. we went riding and then we went swimming and then we got ready again and then we went to cafe rio. it was fun. then we just chilled until rory's party.
at the party we ate food and watched a movie.
and i was in a really bad mood on friday for some reason.. weird huh? well its part of being a girl i guess.. moodiness. then on saturday kenzie spent the day pretty much with her daddy.
and i read a book and helped get ready for aniston's party.
then for the beginning of the party i just read.. then my uncle talked to me and my cousin about how teenagers never talk but they can. then me and matthew talked for the rest of the party. and then we watched the ring.
dude that movie was freaking scary, i jumped and it was awesome (: i love movies like that even though they scare me cause i can just say, this isn't real because yeah i know its not. so yeah. but they are interesting and i love em. kenzie went to the fair without me ): i didn't get to throw up on her... DANGIT. i've used more than half of my texts.. and i figured out that it counts the ones that people send you too.. so that really sucks cause yeah. thats like more than what i've sent and so it adds up really fast. shoot. i didn't go to our stake dance.. but oh well..
today i woke up feeling sick so i didn't go to church, and i was just so kind and i gave up my bed for two days for chris and jenalyn to stay in..
i slept in and then i read my book and finished it.. it wasn't too eventful but im glad i did cause yeah.. im trying to finish some books before i read breaking dawn, which i have sitting next to me on my desk.. it will just be sitting there until i read two more books.. or one.. but then after i read that im going to i think read drums girls and dangerous pie by jordan sonnenblick.. it used to be my favorite book one time back in the say, so im going to read it and see why i liked it so much cause i dont really remember it.. then i am going to read a series called maximum ride after i read a different book that i requested at the library.
well yeah.. i hope you know i like to read.
i love my fam damily. school starts on tuesday.
im excited but im not.
well.. i like a kid right now.. his name's joshua russel bulloch.
hes pretty awesome. we like the same music like he even likes country as much as i do and just its all similar and thats crazy cause usually my taste in music is so different to everyone elses, we're both pretty much the same amount of seriousness.(that made sense to me if it didn't to you) he's scared of deep deep water. he plays the violin, and he used to play the piano but he quit, he regrets it now though. he wants to be a financial advisor when he grows up, its interesting and unique. he's the youngest kid in his family. he has a strong passion for football and is pretty dang good at it. he has a cool polo shirt thats yellow and blue, he decided to wear it when me and kenzie were trying to pick what he should wear. when he was little he was a "delightful child". that has a meaning to it.. when my sister was a lil tot, she was always getting into things and making messes and getting into trouble and this lady was like, oh she's a delightful child. so delightful just has a different meaning to our family pretty much. well when he was little, like two or something, he climbed up on top of his fridge to eat a banana, and he was just chillin on the top of it with his feet dangling off the top and his mom walks in. silly huh? (: that story made me just laugh. he used to be in cross country and lil league baseball when he was littler. he still runs though. he likes breakfast like as much as i do. if i look back and read our conversations or remember them, or just remember times when i've been with him, they make me giggle, and i get so happy thinking about em, and i just get a dorky smile on my face. but yeah. thats why im not going to say any more. but josh is an amazing guy and he's fun to be around.

guess who that is? yeah (: you probably guessed it (:
this one time, i was talkin to josh on the phone and i found a scorpion on the wall. ooooh that freaked me out. then i caught it and named it freddie bo beddie. aka. fred.
i love laughing, did you know that? and some people, yeah they think that im quiet, but i dont know about that, i mean sometimes i am but somes im freaking loud. like on yesterday i couldn't shut up at one point, i was kindof talking to myself and at kenzie at the same time and i said "i'm pathetic jocelyn" it was great.
well tonight i get my bed back. YES. i love my bed its so good and soft and good to sleep in and comfy.
this one time i was so warm and comfy, that i didn't want to get out of bed, so i didn't for a long time. but then i did cause ya know, i dont think i will be spending a whole day in bed cause yeah.
im going to join the tennis team next year. i was going to this year but i couldn't run and i didn't know when tryouts were so im going to join next year or something which is exciting for me.
i usually dont like peanut butter but i kinda like peanutbutter m&m's. did i already say that?
i think so. well. they aren't the best cause theres swedish fish and sour patch watermelon and other stuff (:
well, when kenzie came over last night to get her crap and give me mine, we gave eachother like a five minute hug.. then i started crying. and i said im gunna miss you kenzie.
and yeah. dude. shes one of my weaknesses. i mean, she makes me CRY. and i dont cry that often.
im learning to play one of my favorite songs on the piano:: out of my league by stephen speaks.
its pretty hard but im learning it. so good for me.
i love kenzie. i hope you know that cause shes like my babe of babes and shes so her and shes my bfffe and she gets my clothes sometimes and shes so fun to swim with and shes good at cuddling too, i would know. (; haha and watching chickflicks with her is like dang fun.
on the last day she was here, we took pichers together.. on my phone.. but i have two of em on here, so i'll put em on here (:
dont you just love her? if you dont then your a freakin fotbot. she makes me so happy and shes just amazing for my best friend. so you cant have her as your best friend because i claim all parts of it.
i did get my toes done while kenzie was gone.
they are cute.
wanna see?
well if you dont, good luck with that.
you cant really see the design but its dang flipping cute.
oh i got new jeans and they are pretty on me. i think im going to take kenzies job. hopefully i can cause i want the money cause i wanna buy skinny jeans and new clothes, cause you can never have too many shoes. and clothes.
and then i can buy kenzie an awesome present and other people presents and yeah.
i wish i wish upon a star i drew on my mouse pad that i can get _________ ____ ________ cause i might just need em, ya know? haha you dont know cause i didn't say.
look how pretty kenzie did my hair! it took forever but its pretty. (: we watched a how to video on how to do that but she did it with her own spunk in it.
haha goochie is the word right now. "oh my gosh i got this goochie bag and its sooo cute." haha kenzie will get that cause its an inside joke! (: "look at my goochie glasses, are they just so pretty?" kenzie, im thinking of getting my toes redone. and then she will say, "that could be pretty" but she'll only say that if we are having a sleepover (:
i like sayind i know! hehe i guess i say it weird. me and kenzie are good at picking out cute oranges.
thats after i got my hair done. look different?
just a trim and highlights and i love my bangs how they are now. well they are practically the same except shorter and different somehow.
wanna hear a quote that kenzie gave me on a piece of wood?
course you do (:
we may not have it all together but, together we have it all.
then theres another one but i dont remember it quite all the way because it is long but its our promise to eachother that we will stay best friends for like.. eternity.
one of my favorite shirts got something on it and is ruined i think ): it was so saddening. so i wanna go get another of of that shirt cause it was like pretty. and it was white and i just loved it a lot.
i dont know how bleach works.
i like finding peoples true laughs. frankly, they are funny.