about 114 days ago, kenzie sent me this message. and i dont want to ever lose it, so im putting it on here. (i hope she doesn't kill me, but its not like anyone read's jocelyn's blog)
JO! this is kenzie. I love you like alot. aaron and rory make me sooo jealous. i wish i had bebo so i could yell at them and tell them that you are mine. so haha for them. i want to skin some boys alive right now. i feel like your father or something...haha weird. but like when aaron said something like "i can still date you even though we go to two different schools..." yea that made me want to pinch his nose and pull it off. you will probably say he was kidding or that he is a good guy (depending on your mood...) you are like reading a book that takes you on the most fun and scary and dumb rollercoaster ride...ever. sometimes i laugh because you accidentally lead guys on...but then when you accidentally lead on (or befriend...) certain guys i know...(and i say this with venom) i get angry on how they think they own you. or that they can make you do things. you are a freaking individual. guys are so possesive even when they don't mean to be. maybe ill never get married. idk. i want you to find the perfect man someday, one that can take care of you, not own you. he will be freaking hot. and i will probably get jealous of how he gets a sleep over every night when ur married...and he gets to cuddle with you all the time...haha

but yeah. i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you....

love your most honorable best friend in the whole world who through all gifts and love from the most loving heart gives you much praise, gifts and love. only of the purest quality of course.
McKenzie Elise Larsen Jones ...?
Jorge the more than magnificent king
its amazing, how much of an impact this girl makes on my life, i mean, look at every single one of my post, and who is mentioned practically every time? mckenzie elise larsen. so i replied back to her, saying this:
i love you so much, kenzie. its absolutely crazy how much i love you! so i was just getting on my bebo today. . . and well. all of a sudden. i had two mails (in my jocelynskinsss one) and one was from myself. but it was from you. it completely made my day. i read through it and i completely started crying, bawling, tears were rolling down my cheeks. it was awesome, i love you enough to just, cry. i've done it before, i know, i know. but the point of that is, when do i actually cry, just from loving someone, in a happy way? (i had to add the happy way cause you know. . . josh but yeah.) anyways. you make me so happy kenzie, i love knowing that we are best friends, its the greatest feeling ever. i wish you had bebo, and facebook, just so i could tell everyone on there "hey! look at me! i have thee best friend in the world, better than your friend that you can only imagine!" because its soooooo true. isn't it just crazy how you can read just comments on my bebo, and just know what i was pretty much thinking, and you know when im flirting or fake flirting, or just in total awe. you know me better than i know myself. even if we practically never get to see eachother and we dont know everything about eachother, we just have that connection. and you know it. i hate always hanging out with rory, i mean, he can be a good friend, but he is a guy, and you know what happens when guys hang out with me. . . you know. with you im always so much more myself and i feel much more relaxed and its just the most wonderful thing to feel. in the past, i swear, i've probably taken you for granted. and im eternally sorry. and i'll always try to not to. cause well, its horrible to. dangit, you got me crying again (: i hope your reading my manual right now, and realizing that it is thee biggest thriller in the world, the biggest, most scariest, most romanticist, most freaking awesome roller coaster ever, because your riding it. well maybe the romantic part is someone else's fault (: but, i know you'll help me find that someone else, so that is part you too. im completely jealous of your husband, i mean, he gets to spend the rest of forever with you. well i do too, but you know what i mean. i'm so glad my makeup looks really good today and its staying on better than usual, cause well, you know, tears are water. well your husband is going to make you giggle, like none other, and if he doesn't, well it doesn't matter, he WILL. he's going to make your cheeks hurt, 95% of the time. and he's going to love you, makeup, no makeup, clothes, no clothes, pregnant, moody, whatever. he's going to love you, more than any other guy could love you. (notice i said guy and not person (: ) i hate not living with you. and i dont like how all of those stupid guys up north get to look at you when they dont deserve you, it pretty much sucks. they should be shunned. i want you to have the most richeous husband for you, he'll treat you right one hundred percent all the time, and he's hold the priesthood, and he'll bless your life, and your kids' lives. always be virtuous, kenzie. that should be our goal. is to both be the most virtuous women we can be. read Proverbs 31:10. its OUR favorite scripture. "Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies." you are my ruby kenzie, forever. our friendship was bound. and it will not ever be broken. it will be bound in heaven. we will pretty much make sure it will never EVER become close to being loosed. or it's lost in heaven. you know this. know, you can talk to me about anything and everything, no matter if we're in a fight or if you live up there. you make me a better person, thank you.
i love you once, i love you twice, i love you three times, maybe even four.
five, six, 7 eight, nine, ten, you know the drill. infinity. plus eleventytwo.
and it still isn't even close. not even a fraction close.
i would say goodbye right here, but with us, there is no goodbyes.
see you soon. talk to you soon.
love your favorite person who loves you more than you could love jello, who honors you like nobody knows, who would die for you, any day, any hour, any minute, any second, any millisecond, any time.
jo. jocelyn jones
and obviously, she replied:
jocelyn your words bring me great joy, its like breaking my heart but in a good way...maybe putting it back together with a freaking amzing masage along the way. You are like a poet of mass virtuosity and supremacy of augery :) haha that means the study of the power of magic. except for you magic captivates men's worlds and mine. you rock my world babe...not in the freaking perverted way but you know:) Dude you must love me a freaking lot becuase i love orange jello like you have know idea about the business between that stufff and me. fattning but worth it. you are hello amazing beautiful talented best freaking wonderous lady person on the planit not to mention the best bfffe everrr. no one could be luckier than me. no way no posibilities and yea. i love how we always talk about deep things that idiots that are lost in the world would never ever imagine about or even think or sleep or drink or eat or say or speak...yeah. its pretty amazing. i love how you found a sport. and im glad it isn't tennis because you would probably kick my tiny freaking not implanted rear end. you are wonderous and magical. We were blessed with i think the most amzing talents. Heavenly Father has chosen us specialy for something. Figuring out what is the problem. i still have no idea what ima gunna do with my life. i still have my major plans and things but not quite the map or instructions to get there. Im hoping thats my patriarchical blessing...but i don't think ill be ready any time soon. its so fragile...yet it is out of my reach....and even if i did i would maybe break my chance. this is only a one time thing...and i don't want to mess it up so that i don't get all the things that Heavenly Father wants me to know. if im not worthy...ill miss out. and i don't want that to happen...so im just hoping and praying that it will be soon when i feel worthy. but yea...
I freaking want to get in shape...and i can't wait till im 16 becuz i got a ton of guys in line...plus. adam is first...haha which is cool...but life is confusing so whatev.
in high school im going to join their chamber choir and tennis team...well if i have time. but yeah.
I love you more than air...water...fire...soap...my straightner...my conditioner...my hollister perfume...my shoes...and (hardest of them all) my orange jello...
love kenzie
or jorge the more than maginificent king...whatever you prefer.
one day im going to reply to her. . . and its going to be great. i just had to keep these for forever, because kenzie is for eternity.
i had to give a talk today, my topic, our outward expressions of our inner commitment to our prophet's call for courage. its about a talk. april 2009 conference talk by pres. thomas s. monson. "may you have courage".
here's my talk. so i can keep it forever (: (and i did say things differently and added things and such when i talked it)
During the General Young Women Meeting this year, our beloved prophet, Thomas S. Monson talked to the youth first on how great technology today is. He continued to say that with technology, more opportunities for the adversary to tempt us come along with it.
President Monson said that there is one attribute that we all need, and we will need particularly. The attribute is courage. He then explained three situations in which we will need courage:
• First, the courage to refrain from judging others;
• Second, the courage to be chaste and virtuous; and
• Third, the courage to stand firm for truth and righteousness.
Judging others is something that we can do without realizing it; therefore it takes a great courage to avoid it. In D&C 88:124, it disciplines to not judge others “cease to find fault one with another.” In our lives we will encounter many people that feel the need to criticize others; it will take great courage to refrain from such a thing. Also, when people criticize others, it leaves the criticized feeling left out. Mother Teresa once said, “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” As we all know, the Savior gave us the commandment to love one another.
The second aspect President Monson talks about is the courage we need to be chaste and virtuous. In our society today, moral values haven’t been given the amount of value that they truly are. As youth today, we need to continually see the eternal perspectives of our lives; we need to be alert to anything that would rob us of the blessings of eternity. The First Presidency once said, “To the youth. . . , we plead with you to live clean lives, for the unclean life leads only to suffering, misery, and woe physically,-- and spiritually it is the path to destruction. How glorious and near to the angels is youth that is clean; this youth has joy unspeakable here and eternal happiness hereafter. Sexual purity is youth’s most precious possession; it is the foundation of all righteousness.” One of my favorite scriptures, 2 Timothy 2:22 reads, “Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.” May we always have the courage to be chaste and virtuous.
The third plea President Monson spoke about was that we have the courage to stand firm for truth and righteousness. The world has many trends that fade from the values and principles the Lord has given us, most of us will be called upon to defend that which we believe. If the roots of our testimonies are not firmly planted, it will be extremely difficult for us to withstand the ridicule of those who may challenge our faith. President Monson said, “When firmly planted, your testimony of the gospel, of the Savior, and of our Heavenly Father will influence all that you do throughout your life.”
I was assigned the topic, “Our outward expressions of our inner commitment to Our Prophet’s Call for Courage.” Knowing that President Monson wants us to “have the courage required to refrain from judging others, the courage to be chaste and virtuous, and the courage to stand firm for truth and righteousness,” we need to make the commitment to ourselves to be able to do these things. With Heavenly Father’s help, we will have the courage to face whatever comes. If we do what we know is right, and gain a personal testimony of it, we will have the inner commitment required. After we have a firm commitment within ourselves, our outward expressions will only be in sync with what our Prophet has advised us to do.
In closing, I’d like to bear my testimony:
• When we avoid judging others, we are gaining a better understanding of our Heavenly Father and those around us.
• When we choose to be sexually pure, we are following the Lords commandments and putting eternity as an approachable goal.
• When we stand for truth and righteousness, we are standing next to God.
• With the Lord on our side, we will always have the courage we need.
thats it for you. for now. jesus loves you, dont forget. (even if you're going to hell)